2024 is almost at its end and that has me looking forward! We’ve officially ended the rodeo season now, and I can’t believe all that has happened. I’ve been a little quiet on socials this year, so I thought a website update could be just as fun.
A few things that I tried in 2024 and grew from were:
- Becoming a certified Social Media Manager in February. This solidified some of the ideologies I had been trying to work with regarding social media. The course I took dove into the psychology behind social media and different ways of how you can approach it. I came up with many ideas on how you could approach social media as a small business brand.
- Co-chairing the organization of one of the largest World Curling events. I helped host the 2024 Pan Continental Curling Championships in Lacombe at the end of October. Being a part of this committee took up a lot more time than I anticipated it would, but I got to help organize a full broadcast event with a team from all over the world. It was a phenomenal experience.
- Organization in any business is KEY! I transferred and updated my back-end processes and systems so I could work on requests and galleries more efficiently. If you’re a bit techy and curious, some of my updates include moving to a NAS hard drive system and switching from Google Workspace to MS 365. These upgrades came towards the end of the season but have significantly impacted my workflows already.
- Took some time away. I took more time off this year than I ever have before, establishing some boundaries and giving myself time away from the computers. Most of this was eaten up by curling event planning, but it was time away from regular work. This was super key for me because I am used to always working. For mental and energetic health, though, I knew that this needed to happen periodically. Five years ago, I was doing 2 full-time jobs – which was not sustainable and has led me to focus on recharging now. I am logging on for work more clear-headed and focused than I ever have been.
Why am I sharing these pieces of my year with you? To show that we are all human and to maybe share some ways that other small business owners can grow both in and out of the business. Sometimes not everything is seen on social media. At some point, we all need to stop and celebrate a little (even the small achievements). Otherwise, it all becomes a blur and we can get bogged down in all the “Big Goals” we haven’t done.
For the last while, I have been feeling a pull towards something different, and this year, I got to analyze more of what that could entail. Don’t worry; I’m not putting down the cameras. I’m still planning to try to capture many of your amazing personal highlights in the arena. But being human is to be constantly growing and evolving.
Pulling together all of my experience, I am excited to bring forward new ways to work together that can stand alone or incorporate what I already do. Some of you committees got a teaser of it 2 years back at the CFR Committee Conference.
Are you ready to get clear on your marketing materials and communication? Whether you’re an athlete, small business owner or event, I want to help you lock down your brand foundations so you can streamline your marketing and capitalize your content investment (time or money).
Get a head start on your 2025 goals by establishing your marketing strategy and asset management plan, so you can share your story professionally. Let your communication tell the story you want it to so you can achieve your goals.
Workshops, group sessions, and customized one-on-one time for this are planned for the future. If you’re interested in getting ahead of your marketing for next quarter and taking the stress of trying to keep up with social media off your plate, hit the button below and fill out the form – no obligation. I’ll send you more details of what I have planned and how we could work together!
Also, keep an eye on the website for some updates and more details coming soon! The wind blows around us all the time and it is all about how we catch it that can make a difference of what direction we go. Who’s ready to make 2025 the best year yet?